Developer Resources

ClearDB is a great way to get your database into the cloud without having to worry about things like fault tolerance, database updates, etc. This section of our website is dedicated to ensuring that you have the tools and information required in order to properly connect to and use ClearDB with your MySQL powered applications.
Introduction to the ClearDB platform
Discover how the ClearDB platform works, operating topologies, and get answers to common questions about what makes the ClearDB platform highly available without sacrificing performance and MySQL standardization.

Connecting to ClearDB from Platform-As-A-Service (PaaS) Providers
Learn how to connect from a variety of PaaS platforms, such as Heroku and Microsoft Azure.

Connecting to ClearDB from Amazon’s EC2
See how easy it is to connect to ClearDB from anywhere within Amazon’s AWS Elastic Compute Cloud.

Using ClearDB automated high-availability routers (CDBRs)
Connecting to ClearDB using our high availability routers ensures that your applications never lose a beat, even if a cluster node fails. Find out more here!

Frequently Asked Questions
Get answers to commonly asked questions about ClearDB.

Contacting ClearDB Support
Can’t seem to find answers to your questions, or have an issue to report? You’ve come to the right place. We’re here to help!